Belief Faith Thoughts

Your present situation is not your final destination

Your present situation is not your final destination

The present situation is not the final destination, we can make it pleasant or aggravating and frustrating. It’s all up to us. The final destination in this life is when you expire and you can choose your journey if you want to go to well travelled roads or the less travelled road were few had dare to go because in this journey life always throw you some detours. In life’s journey you have an option of making it fun though you’re going to some rough roads or just keep on sighing and groaning for taking the option of well travelled but congested roads and everyone is fighting for space. ~ Norma Powell 

It’s about the journey, and what we are here to learn, we know it all works out in the end. If it’s not working out, it’s not the end yet.

Time it’s a miracle which it won’t ever repeat. What’s lost, is lost. Don’t ever try to appease the pain with lies, it doesn’t work. ~ Andre Meneses 

No stage in life is permanent. Life changes from happiness to rainy days, that’s how it go up with journey. ~ Hamza Nehal 

Just remember with Gods help you can change that destination for the better. You just don’t know what it’s going to change and when you just have to accept. ~ Ann Nelson 

I am happy with my present place, my little nook of reality, but to know that greater things are to come (which I do believe) inspires me so. ~ Anna Pereira 

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One Response

  1. Mohammad Abu Saleh Qadri June 24, 2014

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