Sometimes very sad to find out how some people let you down when you really did care about them!
Your worst times are the precious enlightened moments where you realized who you should not waste your precious time and energy on. ~ Ping Lew
What most people would ask of you, they wouldn’t do for you themselves. As I sit here with a broken ankle, I realize what I’d do for some people they won’t do for me. I have learned not to extend my energy to people who suck. I have a few great people and that’s all I need. A few greats are way better then a bunch of suckers. ~ Jennifer Jackson
People are who they are. They have their own understandings just like you. It is unfortunate to have friends or family cause such suffering. Your choice is to remain and try to work through it or understand that some situations will never resolve. They will not be the courageous and change. So you must muster up and wish them happiness genuinely and leave permanently. You must respect yourself and respect the situation as it is also. ~ Linda Jablonowski