Belief Life Love Relationship

Someone playing a major role in your Life

Someone playing a major role in your Life

Is it because we recognize in them something beautiful or familiar that we have known before? Say in another life ? ~ Wendy Neill 

Attraction can be instant but love takes time to mature and grow. Eyes let you see instantly but your heart tells you when it is time to love. ~ Linda Flanders 

It’s a feeling that comes from a deeper part. The soul! You just know that you know. There is a mutual contact as you both are feeling the same. Some may never have had this experience and many have. ~ Penny Marsh 

Life can sure surprise you sometime. You can see someone across the teen club room in the mid 60s and walk across the room to dance with him, then move away and go on with your life, only to find him again 43 years later and he becomes a most important part of your life. ~ Viveca Park 

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