Hurt Pain People Respect

People who doesn’t know the value of your tears

People who doesn't know the value of your tears

I love me. I will not cry for anyone that don’t respect or love me. ~ Evette Clunis 

Cry your heart out but after your done crying do not cry for the same reason ever again. ~ Christina Miller 

Don’t hold that against them either. We all are at different levels emotionally. Sometimes that may mean different or same. You can’t do anything to change them to know how valuable you are. Just know you are valuable and move on. ~ Sherri Jordan 

It’s the real reason we need to live more consciously, know the power of your words (they can hurt, or they can heal). Decide what kind of person you want to be and then become that. Develop the character required to achieve who you really are in your heart. ~ Lorean Siller 

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