Let go Move on

If you don’t like where you are, MOVE

If you don't like where you are, MOVE

You can always move. If you don’t like where you live. Move. If you don’t like HOW you live. Move. If you don’t move……it’s a choice. If you choose not to move, then there’s something about the position you’ve chosen that you like ( at some level.) ~ Margot Grissom 
Sometimes circumstances arrive when you must make a move. Do not push it aside. Weigh the pros and cons, figure where and why you wish to go to a certain place and do it. It could be the best choice you ever make. ~ Bea Kyles 
Movement doesn’t have to be 100% to change something. Each day, you move just a little bit more than the day. You’re where you need to be, should be, meant to be…in no time at all. ~ Allison Brown 

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