Hurt Pain

Hurting someone can be as easy as throwing a stone in the sea

Hurting someone can be as easy as throwing a stone in the sea

Be humble and put yourself in other’s shoes.

Be careful! throwing stones can come back and hit you even harder. It’s called karma.

People would realize that more often, my trust has recently been hurt very deeply and “Sorry” can’t fix this one. ~ Edith Kayzer 

Same people who will tell you that you are too sensitive, toughen up, etc. They can’t handle hurtful words or actions directed toward them. The first think they will tell you is how you hurt their feelings etc. but they won’t acknowledge the hurt that they have did. If you can just pray for them and walk away. ~ Lynn Anderson 

It can leave the deepest scars and if they only knew how much it hurts to hurt someone so deeply. If they care enough I don’t think they would go around throwing stones at other people and sometimes it’s the people you love the most that turn around and hurt you the worst and never look back. ~ Jay Ntombizodwa 

I say to myself, pain is pain, accept it and deal with it. It’s difficult, messy and confusing. But one thing for sure, it will pass, things will get better and I will get better. ~ Chuck Llarena 

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