Inspiration Lesson Learned

Don’t expect honesty from cheap people

Don't expect honesty from cheap people

I lost my job because of being honest and I don’t regret it. ~ San Dy 

Be honest even others are not; even others cannot and even others do not. The feelings is good when you do the right thing. May your tribe increase.

Honesty is rare because people don’t have the backbone to tell it!

Never expect anything from others because not everyone has the same heart like you have.

The measure of real friends. Those that tell you the truth in the tough times, but you know it comes from a person who loves you and cares enough to tell you, so you can’t be mad at them. I recently just went through this. I was the friend trying to be honest about something. My friend didn’t understand or appreciate the honesty. Honesty is very rare indeed, but so appreciated when you find that kind of friend. ~ Elizabeth Christie 

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