When we are in that ‘dark’ place, must remind ourselves that it will pass. We have to keep hope and be positive. ~ Barb Cook
It takes lot of hard work and determination and you have to want it for yourself, no one can do it for you. ~ Kim Hershberger
The key to depression is a good support system and positive people around you. It will make you much stronger when come through it. I have been there I have lived it and conquered it. Have faith, that is what give me the strength I needed. ~ Ann Kerry
We must always keep moving forward. Never forget, there is light at the end of this tunnel. Focus on the positive, and that you are enough. ~ Bill Solomon
Depression is not the end of the world, but the beginning of overcoming a huge obstacle in your life and coming out stronger than you could ever know you could be. ~ Ruth Salazar
It needs a lot of courage to get out of situation. How the person deals suffering from it, one must salute if the person fights himself to cope with situation. ~ Badar Salman
Depression is hard to beat, but if you do, it definitely gives you empathy for those who are still dealing with it and struggling to get through it. ~ Lightening Mcqueen
For those of you in this fight, realize it is a fight. But realize also that this is a fight you can win. There are several treatments available, and doctors who are trained to help. Realize that this is a disease, in the same way diabetes is a disease. There is a chemical imbalance, and you can be helped with the right medication. There are also things you can do to help yourself. For example, depression freezes you, but if you can get yourself to move it will help. So, for example, I put a little sheet of paper on my refrigerator every day. Every time I did something, anything take a shower, go for a walk, pick up a few things, I wrote it on that paper. I told myself that if I could get eight things on that list, I would write, “Victory!” At the bottom of the list, and tell myself I had a victorious day. You can have victorious days too. You can win, and eventually be well again. I did it, and so can you. ~ Diana Clancy
What we have to remember is that there are so many different degrees/levels and reasons for causing the onset of depression. It can be the death of a loved one, a tragedy, post par-tum or, even a chemical imbalance in the brain. Add anxiety to that formula and you are now at the bottom of a never ending black hole and, try as hard as you might, you can’t crawl out of it. When it’s that bad, nothing you tell yourself helps. There are people in this horrific place right now, reading these comments and feeling hopeless and worthless because mind over matter is not helping them. Please, trust me, if you are out there and you are suffering, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Contact your family physician who will put you in the hands of a medical professional who specializes in treating this debilitating malady. ~ Eileen Friel
If one hasn’t lived it they don’t understand it. ~ Catherine Smith
One should know what a depressed persons life is, then only we may see, understand, make full use of our will power. ~ Dhyan Sijin
I personally like to think of it as my badge of honor. I’m a survivor. ~ Sue Long
I have been in the ugly of anxiety and depression, not so long ago and made it to the other side, better than I ever have been. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, just an illness like any other illness. ~ Natalie Blair
You have to be strong. You’re too weak to give in and too strong to lose because God strengthens us through when we are weak. Keep on keeping on. ~ Michael Temper