Category: Yourself
You just have to let it go. They aren’t worth it. Release yourself first, then others will also release you. Don’t worry about who judges you because we are all human, we all make mistakes in life and we all have committed sin. Some of us are true to our …
If my self worth depended upon others, I’d have little to none. We have to know and accept ourselves. When we do that, what others think may be considered, but it’s never a deciding factor. ~ Fran Dunham As long as one look for someone else to validate who one is …
You see this when you go into a restaurant and an elderly (or younger) couple are sitting across each other looking bored and depressed. They aren’t even talking to each other or looking at each other. ~ Victoria Mack Men or women should not be pressured into getting married because “everyone …
The journey of discovery is to see with new eyes. Real joy comes from the heart. I have been preaching to friends and family, be happy and content with small and simple things in life. They don’t cost much and most of them are free, ready to be explored, the wonders …
He who cannot forgive breaks the bridge over which he, himself must pass. (Thomas Fuller) Have always tried to live by these words. It is hard sometimes but to harbor and carry a grudge, destroys you not the person who harmed you. ~ Dedra Edwards Open your eyes and peep into …
Live your life to the fullest and don’t worry about the other things. If others don’t like it so be it. We don’t just live only for them. Rejoice everyone! Life is not a rehearsal. ~ Sonya Bactad Love yourself first the rest will follow. You will not achieve your goal …