Category: Yourself
People who you think care really don’t. You have to think about yourself. Doing what’s best for me is ultimately best for others too. We need to develop ourselves first before other and when we achieve our aim in life, there we can help others. ~ Mavie Goyal Be good to yourself, …
Better to have loved & lost then to not have loved at all. Sometimes someone comes into your life and helps you find yourself. Losing those people may hurt more than finding yourself, but the pain will subside and you have become a better person. ~ Loree Devine
You don’t need to listen to everyone around you because your the one feeling emotions inside. Women’s intuition, inner voice, subconscious, little voice, all one in the same. Heed what you feel for a happier life. ~ Diana Lopez God is in your heart listen to him there.
Unless you don’t find happiness within you will never truly feel complete. When you look at your own happiness as something that is truly sacred, you will guard it with all your might. ~ Christy Tucker At first unimaginable and painful, but cut yourself from everything for two months and do …
In addition to some beautiful place outside, we may try to create some beautiful place inside our self.
Look for the good wherever you are and the universe will bring you more of it and the universe will remove that which is not a match. ~ Marcia Grchan The only person you can change is yourself. You may even be in a dangerous situation, so walk away while you …