Category: Yourself

Good Yourself

You can’t be good enough for everybody

Always take care of yourself. You are the most important person. When you get sick, down, need a shoulder, need someone just to listen, when your depressed just when you need someone you will find out who truly loves you. ~ Michelle Phillips If we have to be good enough for …
Belief Feelings Heart Trust Yourself

Do what your Heart is guiding you to do

If our self-awareness is pure. Otherwise action becomes self-destructive and could potentially hurt us. Are out “feelings” based on what society has trained us up to be, or are they really at the core of who we are? ~ Amy Pennoyer  Our bodies have five senses: touch, smell, taste, sight, hearing. …
Good Life Yourself

Sometimes you have to do what’s best for you

People who you think care really don’t. You have to think about yourself. Doing what’s best for me is ultimately best for others too. We need to develop ourselves first before other and when we achieve our aim in life, there we can help others. ~ Mavie Goyal Be good to yourself, …