Category: Yourself
Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. ~ Chuck Swindoll Your attitude will determine your altitude. Silence is a positive response to negative comments. After you learn the lesson, stay away. No reason to allow anyone to upset your day. ~ Haley Morris …
The One Who Follows the Crowd Will Usually Go No Further Than the Crowd. Some people are just unique. She would feel very peaceful to just be with herself & chat with only one person in her life for her is so perfect. To be surrounded with too many people …
Always take care of yourself. You are the most important person. When you get sick, down, need a shoulder, need someone just to listen, when your depressed just when you need someone you will find out who truly loves you. ~ Michelle Phillips If we have to be good enough for …
We are not for ever, none of us, so let us be glad that we are one of a kind and be happy for who is pretty and young. We all have our destiny. ~ Maria Gatt Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive …
If our self-awareness is pure. Otherwise action becomes self-destructive and could potentially hurt us. Are out “feelings” based on what society has trained us up to be, or are they really at the core of who we are? ~ Amy Pennoyer Our bodies have five senses: touch, smell, taste, sight, hearing. …
Don’t ever forget your own self respect. Life is just to short to have to keep proving ones self to others. Whether someone likes you or not is really none of your business, only you have to like you. Worry about the if all the time and you miss out on …