Category: Yourself
Never sacrifice your principles. Always take a higher level, never step down. Be true to yourself. Good hates ugly. Do the right things. My dad used to always tell me to be the bigger person. I so understand that statement now. ~ Cherie Mcguire I used to work for someone that …
The vast majority of people in the world are only in relationships because they are terrified of being alone. I like being alone, at least there’s no one else to complicate things, my life is enough of a battle as it is. ~ Nadeem Zafar So many people are with the …
I am woman, man does not make me so or complete me. It’s the other way around, a good woman completes man and crowns him king of her kingdom. ~ Gudrun Zschiesche You should feel complete for yourself not for a relationship because relationships don’t always last. ~ Denishia Vaughan Share your …
Often people recognize weaknesses in themselves and so try to gain power by criticizing others whom they feel envious off. It is more often than not an insecure person who will try to control you and pull you down as it temporarily boosts their power if they succeed. ~ Louise Croft
Never allow anyone to define who you are. To yourself and to God this matters. Against the the world, they judge you on your status, income and looks. ~ Ban Maximilian The name you are wearing, using, driving, drinking or whatever does not impress me, how you live your life and …
The person who understands you does not need your explanation for he believes you while the person who dislikes you will never “accept” your explanation, because he dislikes you. If the explanation given, there’s no point of explaining over and over again. That person don’t deserved to stay in your …