Category: Yourself
Don’t give up, just be strong, have the faith. Everything going to be alright one day. Setting free is not giving up. I have to focus on making myself someone they will want to return to. Sometimes setting free or letting go requires more strength than holding on to force …
It took me a long time to not feel guilty for living my life for myself. I had a lot of family and friends who wanted me to be something I wasn’t. It feels good to do what is right for me. To finally feel comfortable in my own skin. …
Everyone’s responsible for their own actions. Circumstances may be mitigated by different influences but ultimately we are responsible for our actions. We teach our children that our actions affect others lives. The way people treat you does have an affect on your choices. It’s part of being human. ~ Heather Galloway …
True happiness comes from within not from someone else.
Sometimes being selfish isn’t a negative thing. You’ve got to put yourself first. If people don’t edify, honor or dignify you, then they have no place, purpose, or value in your life. ~ Diana Totino If a friend shows no respect for you, treats you like crap, do yourself a …
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servants and has forgotten the gifts. ~ Albert Einstein This statement refers more to that “gut feeling”, the “red flags” that have no “reasonable basis in fact” that too often …