Category: Yourself

Feelings Hurt Yourself

Always put yourself in others shoes

Even if you put yourself in someone else’s shoes and it doesn’t hurt you, it might still be hurting them. We all have different thoughts, feelings, strengths, and thoughts towards different things. ~ Kanike Kiana    Human being are the most selfish creatures. In my life I have learned not to …
Strength Yourself

You don’t have to stay & respond to rude remarks

Don’t let the behavior of others disturb your peace. There are ways of discussing valid conflicts without being degrading or intentionally hurtful to another.    Sometimes we have to choose the battles we fight because not all of them is worth fighting for.   Being strong is standing up to …
Hurt Let go Yourself

If someone has offended you in life

Some things take a little more time. Don’t grow weary of well doing. Love your enemies. Pray for them that despite-fully use you. Pour heaps of coal on their head by your unexpected kindness. ~ Sharon Spangler    Just let it go because it is not worth getting sick over it. …
Inspiration Yourself

Be willing to go alone sometimes

If we can learn to depend on ourselves and be alone, then we can learn to be with others and respect our individuality. When we are capable, yet rely on others to support us, then we take others for granted. When we are alone we are forced to face ourselves …