Category: Yourself

Choice Happiness Life Smile Yourself

Be Happy ! Be who you want to be

Happiness is a state of mind and not related to material possessions , fame or family environment. Being happy is a matter of choice and requires attitude of happiness irrespective of circumstances. Don’t change this attitude by being affected by people surrounding you who if not happy want to drag …
Strength Yourself

Stand up for what you believe in

Standing alone doesn’t make you feel alone because you’re just being true to yourself.  Just make sure it is of the highest quality that serves you as priority but is not detrimental to anyone, anything or our planet. Of mutual benefit to all at best and neutral at worst. No …

Train yourself to find the blessings in everything

See the wisdom in wounds, the lessons in losing, see blessing in everything. When you train yourself to see good in everything there’s hardly anything that can disturb your peace and happiness. You can be calm even in storms! This doesn’t cost a thing. Walking in the water at the …