Category: Yourself
Wise man realizes that it is in human nature to make mistakes from time to time and nobody is infallible. Everybody deserves a second chance , an opportunity to make amends. You should be generous enough to give second chance but it will be folly to give chances to those …
Happiness is a state of mind and not related to material possessions , fame or family environment. Being happy is a matter of choice and requires attitude of happiness irrespective of circumstances. Don’t change this attitude by being affected by people surrounding you who if not happy want to drag …
It’s very hard when you walk alone but once you learned, after that your journey is very smooth and beautiful. If you make a choice to walk with God you’ll never be alone!
When I was a alcoholic had lots of friends now I’m sober I have none, but it’s true when you know who you really are you don’t care about what people think! ~ Kevin Grimaldi
You need to examine your “internal” dialog too. The things my mind replays without my choosing. I have to make sure that my internal matches my external! ~ Cathy Dulaney Every day runs smoother facing your self in the morning. Loving, caring, sharing, trusting & helping. Love yourself ,forgive yourself and …
Standing alone doesn’t make you feel alone because you’re just being true to yourself. Just make sure it is of the highest quality that serves you as priority but is not detrimental to anyone, anything or our planet. Of mutual benefit to all at best and neutral at worst. No …