Category: Yourself
Our life journey is for limited years. Nobody can escape jaws of death. In this period , you develop relationships with all kinds of people around you. Those who don’t deserve to be the part of your life do their bit to teach you a lesson and then depart from …
Life nothing but a series of success and setbacks over varying periods of time. What We call destiny is decided not by what is happening outside but by how you handle every situation in life , your convictions , perseverance and not giving up when you are fighting a lone …
I have a limited life to live. I have my own priorities. I have set my goals and trying to whatever is possible to reach those goals. My goals are unique just meant for me . People surrounding us may have other expectations from me but nobody except me has …
I have seen more miserable couples. Sometimes it is better to be single than to be with the wrong people. And, you are never alone. Usually if you don’t have a partner, you have family to keep you busy or a church family. ~ Donna Grover I was happier single …
You are absolutely unique in your thoughts , actions , experiences and choices. There is nobody like you in this world and there wasn’t anybody like you at any past moment. You decide your your actions and path which will shape your future. You have absolute freedom to say and decide at …
Sometimes, a bridge must be burned to enable living without fear, depression and pain every day. ~ Tiffany Fisher I’d rather swim than to cross the same bridge again. ~ Aida Shariff If someone continues to hurt you over and over again, its OK to burn that bridge. The way I see …