Category: Yourself

Inspiration Perseverance Yourself

This is not How my story will end

You are absolutely unique in your thoughts , actions , experiences and choices. There is nobody like you in this world and  there wasn’t anybody like you at any past moment. You decide your your actions and path which will shape your future. You have absolute freedom to say and decide at …

Know your worth

I know my worth and God knows. If this happening just leave it there because there is nothing we can do about it. Just stay positive and accept it. Move forward. That’s the only thing you can do. You don’t own the cavalry and you don’t need to sacrifice your …
People Yourself

People will always judge you

I’m doing something right, I have been doing it years before everyone has decided that they feel the need to give permission. I do not need anyone’s permission to be myself. ~ Jeffrey Young Its good to walk pass the ones who judge, whilst making our way to the ones …