Category: Yourself

Trust Yourself

Speak the Truth! Even if your voice shakes

The truth shall set you free. My voice never shakes! I like it when they can’t handle the truth. ~ Chris Stallins  I have always spoke truth even while the tears have been running down my cheeks. As a result I have gained quite few enemies but stayed truthful to myself …
Relationship Yourself

Never let loneliness drive you back

Better to be alone than with someone and be alone. Let go of the wrong person to make room for the right one. The people in your past just may be there (in your past) for a reason. Could be that’s where they belong. ~ Linda Radtke  Shut that door, keep …
Friendship People Trust Yourself

Always stay True to yourself

It is always best to be real and stay true to yourself always. Lying to yourself is a bullet in the heart. ~ Nab Suzanne  The only person we need to know well is ourselves. ~ Dipankar Biswas  They’ll hurt you, and desert you, they’ll take your soul if you let them, …
Attitude Good Life Mind People Yourself

No matter where Life takes you

Everyone we meet are in a different stage of development or decay. The minds of the world are either growing in awareness and reason or slipping deeper into deception. The problem is we are seeing them from our limited perceptions as well. Is it their mind which is off track …