Category: Yourself
If they love you they will love and accept just the way you are. Be yourself! Express who you are and change for the better. Change to become a better version of yourself. Change your bad behavior and attitude for better life and for true love. If people don’t like …
The truth shall set you free. My voice never shakes! I like it when they can’t handle the truth. ~ Chris Stallins I have always spoke truth even while the tears have been running down my cheeks. As a result I have gained quite few enemies but stayed truthful to myself …
Better to be alone than with someone and be alone. Let go of the wrong person to make room for the right one. The people in your past just may be there (in your past) for a reason. Could be that’s where they belong. ~ Linda Radtke Shut that door, keep …
It is always best to be real and stay true to yourself always. Lying to yourself is a bullet in the heart. ~ Nab Suzanne The only person we need to know well is ourselves. ~ Dipankar Biswas They’ll hurt you, and desert you, they’ll take your soul if you let them, …
Be prepared to smack when necessary. ~ Louise Welch There are people out there who abuse your presence, your well intentions and when you show that you can also stand up to your morals etc. They are taken aback. ~ Taline Angelidou Take things as they are. Punch when you have to …
Forgive thyself so I can move on. Be kind to myself. ~ Unknown We must forgive ourselves first. It is essential in forgiving others. We are our worst hardest critic. It’s one day at a time & a long process, but it does happen. ~ MClaire Delorme The hardest person to …