Category: Yourself
Even the strongest, wisest kind of soul needs a Thank-you or hug from time to time. ~ Denise Morris Sometimes when you are such a strong person, it is hard to ask for support and guidance. You would be surprised to find out who would listen. ~ Betsy Miller Even if you …
God is merciful, He is always there for you. Just look around you at all the beautiful things that He has created. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. One day we will all meet our Maker. ~ Sue Rosinbum God is good all …
Don’t let them live with you either. It hurts at the beginning, but feels refreshing and much better at the end. ~ Ina Romaniuc Be a radiator, not a drain and don’t let the drains drag you down. ~ Catherine McGee Toxic people, we need to avoid them as they are like cancer …
Trust that God made doors to close and open. That’s how doors work. ~ Keith Middlemark If that door closes you never know your new door just might be that window that is opening and not a new door. Faith if you believe will keep you. ~ Christine Kramer Don’t waste your …
Be nice, just the same to everybody simply because you are a nice person. Do all things with kindness. Try it just for a day. ~ Mahatma Gandhi You don’t have to be rude. Always keep your class about you. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything. Killing …
Unconditional love. No labels on people, just loving them for them. ~ Diana Preneta How real love meant to be, it’s really hard to find so ideal and that what life proves day after day. Break down is not bad, being real with some breakdowns is much better than fake good …