Category: Yourself
No one can love you more but yourself alone. God is within us. Love thyself. Love yourself because there’s no guarantee that others will. ~ Barbara Hamilton If one does not love ones self, respect ones self, one indeed can expect disappointment. ~ Jessica Bennett Hating our actions and hating our …
You don’t need to do things that are pleasant to everyone as long as you did what you can. You cannot give what you do not have. It’s not all about on the outside appearance. Happiness is beauty. ~ Enuhj Leinad Accepting yourself and how you look is the toughest thing. …
We tend to do this cause we know those same people will always be there. ~ Tina Garrett The people that stood you by get a place in your heart for ever. In hard times you find your real friends. ~ Laetitia De Nys You got to love all those that stayed …
You need alone time to restore my peace. That’s when you reconnect with yourself. It’s better to be alone then someone destroy of enjoying yourself. We have to give sometime for ourselves to introspect ourselves and enjoy our life. Sometimes busy folks have to stop and catch up with themselves. …
Worldly people do try to damage our spiritual walk. Need to not have them in our lives. ~ Ron Carlson People are good but if hanging around them brings your spirit down, best find different friends. ~ Sema Niyazi There is one more step here though and that is to bless them …
Anger is a destructive emotion that feeds off the other emotions. It creates all negative to a persons well-being. ~ Lee Greenhalgh Go somewhere cool and comfortable place. Take a deep breath, deep in a pool, take a cold shower and get a nice refreshing massage after filing a leave. ~ …