Category: Wisdom
Those people can’t see that reflection themselves and realise the hurt they create for others. ~ Jason Warmington Look in the mirror before you throw back stabbing knives and remember those who are jealous throw rocks at shiny things. ~ Yolanda Massey Sometimes when people is helpless because of their own mistake …
Always the actions tell the truth. Never go by what you hear, but always what you feel. A touch, a look, a frown, a smile is more than a thousand words. Treating someone lovingly is the best way to say ‘I love you’. ~ Judith Epelle Words are nice when they …
Words can lie, actions do not. Show me what you can do, don’t tell me what you can do. ~ Terry Peacock Don’t be deceive by all those empty talkers. ~ George Ofori Everyday, every action shows the real you specially if there is already a pattern of actions or series of …
Worrying is like praying for what you don’t want? Don’t waste time worrying, it’s not worth a wrinkle. If you worry about things and actually act to stop these bad things from happening, then they don’t happen. If you are clueless as to what is going on around you, the …
Physical beauty fades with age. Inner beauty mature with age, so you keep beautiful child of God. ~ Maria Lleva When we are young we all are pretty, but if our mind are corrupted, and the heart is evil, the soul should be evil too. So that creates wrinkles known …
The word “listen” contains the same letters as the word “silent”. It’s called empathizing. Makes one a good listener because there is feelings behind it. Without emotion, the listener would not be compassionate. Listening with an open mind & heart to a fellow human being in pain connects two souls. …