Category: Wisdom
The real believers, indeed the real champions are the people who fly in the face of adversity, who say ‘hey I don’t agree with this, but it makes me stronger’ who take the hit on the chin and because you’re determined more than ever.. you will bounce right back up …
If my self worth depended upon others, I’d have little to none. We have to know and accept ourselves. When we do that, what others think may be considered, but it’s never a deciding factor. ~ Fran Dunham As long as one look for someone else to validate who one is …
Sometimes you have to remember that no matter how awful you think your problem is someone somewhere is suffering even more. ~ Melinda Coslett Life’s all about changes, hopefully for the better. In any life changing situation, we move on from what we used to be to one we hope to …
Even just one real good friend makes all the difference. Circle yourself with trusted persons not with the fake ones. If you go through life and can say you have one true friend, you are lucky. ~ Dollie Bratcher Sometimes it’s hard to actually define a real friend. There are tons …
Don’t think too much, let go and let God take care of it. What’s meant to be will be. ~ Ana Luisa Stress can lead to depression and many other illnesses and overthinking leads to stress. ~ Ray Sun Guard your thoughts when you are alone and your words where you are …
What goes around comes around. It is nice to be there for someone when old people need a helping hand. ~ Jo Naylor Be good to people all the time regardless of age, sex or status in life. ~ Mila Caibal If we die of old age we go out like we came …