Category: Wisdom
Many times life situation demands a change. Any change is made up of series of small changes like an olympic sprinter taking a series of long steps one at a time. Be aware of small changes you need to make in your life one at a time in a specific …
God has created amazing human body . Both hands , both legs , both eyes and both ears are complete combination but heart is only one probably half of what it is meant to be. The other half belongs to your soulmate somewhere in this World who is just waiting …
Everybody in this world is unique in his own way. He has been raised and educated in an environment unique to him. This along with the life experiences he has gone through builds his character , prejudices , preferences , choices and his behavior towards others. His story can’t be …
Nobody in this World is immune from storms in life . How you handle it demonstrates your attitude and character. Your ultimate test is how you help somebody in whatever way you can without revealing what you are going through in life.
The real test of your strength comes when you confront someone weaker . Your strength and character is revealed by your gentle demeanor . Most of those who have remained weak are not blessed with the benevolent heart and their actions are characterized by cruelty in their attitude.
We move around in our environment building up relationships at various levels of development. The level of relationship and trust would vary from being neutral to very trustworthy at one end and very suspicious and unresponsive. It is likely that you occupy both the ends of the spectrum. Thus everybody …