Category: Trust
Why do liars never understand this? – Because liars lie to everyone, including themselves, liars also believes that everybody else lies. When you lie & it comes to light, the heart and mind is cut like a knife. ~ Jalena Drouhard Trust is like a house of cards, delicately built and precisely placed …
Some people don’t go with their gut instincts because they are afraid of hurting someone’s feelings or being rude. ~ Cathy Smith
Those who say it does not exist have yet to experience it. You have fallen for lust and drowned in infatuation. When it builds your hopes up and let’s you down and you continue to expect instead if except, it can not be love. ~ Katerina Merrie
If something meant to be, it will come. If something doesn’t, you can’t hold it any more. First of all, we have to make sure that God is the one that shut the door and not our stupidity. Just be quiet and listen. He will let you know. ~ Lisa Ann …
Nobody is your friend nobody. Your only friend is you. People have hidden agendas. When you open up to someone you think he is a friend, is that moment in time they are looking for, that moment of weakness to take what they want from you that isn’t meant for …
If they are gone, they were meant to be gone. If they are still in your life, they are suppose to be. It’s just too bad we don’t recognize it when were young. It’s when we’re older we can start relating and understanding. ~ Brenda Topolewski Sometimes it can take years …