Category: Trust

Life Trust

In the end you would know who’s Fake & True

Even if your number is small, thank goodness for those true friends.  A once in a lifetime friend who is always on your side against the whole world. The people that are meant to be in your life will last the distance. The other will just drop away. No point …
Love Relationship Trust

True Love exists in modern world

I am sure that true love does exist in elderly couples because the respect between them comes first. ~  Mary Gravari  My Grandparents were married 73 years. Not a day went by that they didn’t kiss or forget to say I love you. That was such a special bond they …
Care Trust

Sometimes you don’t need to hear peoples’ excuses

People’s actions show everything no matter what they may say.   People lie when they can’t admit to their own actions. Words are cheap and the person will always say what makes them look best. Watch and see what they do ( or already done ) Their actions show what’s …
Friendship Relationship Trust

How to get right friends in your life?

Being honest helps in both way helps us to lose someone & helps to gain some other one. Quality over quantity – better to have several strong friendships than numerous mild acquaintances. Some people have a hard time with the honestly thing and they wonder why they are so unhappy …