Category: Time

Life Past Time

Enjoy every moment in your life

When it has passed you it isn’t destined to be for you. TIME is PRECIOUS so find another time of your life that would give you appreciation. ~ Maria Baclayon  I try to enjoy every moment in life, but sometimes the river stops flowing and is still for a while, then …
Choice Life Time

If you don’t like your life

Fear and Ignorance impairs our vision to see beyond now. If you’re not happy you should be happy and don’t complain about it because you are in control of the choices you make in your life. Everyday is a challenge but you only live once and the life you live …
People Time

Stop trying to open doors for people

Stop trying to open doors for people… Do not allow toxic and negative people in your life. They won’t allow you to live or die. They may spoil your life. When one door closes another will open. When the first door closed it was for our good reminder. Tomorrow is …