Category: Time
Human relationships are built upon mutual give and take. Not every relationship is meant to last. It is in God’s plan to expose you to all kinds of relationships and emotions of love , care , betrayal , trauma etc associated with it. This teaches you life lessons for you …
Time is a rare luxury that can never be purchased at any cost. It’s the most precious gift I can give to someone, because I’m giving them a portion of my life that I’ll never get back. And it also defines the depth of care I have for them. ~ …
Many times life situation demands a change. Any change is made up of series of small changes like an olympic sprinter taking a series of long steps one at a time. Be aware of small changes you need to make in your life one at a time in a specific …
When We look around us , We see apparent paradox in life situations and people. We see many hard working people going nowhere and undeserving people getting rewards much greater than their ability and their work. The reason is , God’s life plan for everybody is different not apparent to …
You will never know true happiness till you start living a more positive life. Happiness does not exist for those who are jealous, angry and waste time hating others. They will surely regret wasting so much energy on the things that have no place in our lives. ~ Amy Zoph Loving …
Sometimes non blood relatives are closer than actual blood relatives. The thing is for relatives who don’t have contact with their close relatives, the day will come when they realize and by then it may be too late. ~ Jill Wilson Nobody loves anybody unconditionally, except for parents and sometimes some …