Category: Time

Choice Time

Sometimes all you need is a second chance

Everyone does deserve a second chance. It takes a lot of courage to be true to yourself. ~ Debra Binetti  Sometimes, those that deserve second chance don’t get them. Disregard those that think that you’re not entitled to a second chance. They’re some of the harshest and most narrow minded people …

When you give your precious time to someone

Giving someone your time is investing into the relationship. There is no greater gift. ~ Debbie Clark  Never regret giving your time to anyone. If it’s good, it’s wonderful memories, if it’s with people whom you’ve have bad experiences with, you will get precious lessons from it. Either way you will …
Gratitude Time

People spend too much time looking for more

What I most desire are true friends. Have enough acquaintances. ~ Nita Singh  The happiest people don’t have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything. If you just look around and see what you already have and think about others would love to have of what you …
Relationship Time

No relationship is ever a waste of your time

The next time it happens with someone else, it’s hard to trust again. Value yourself ! Bear in mind that you are someone’s source of happiness. Having any kind of relationship whether that person is your lover or friend taught me that I should not waste my time and effort …