Category: Time

Heart Inspiration Time

We all hit a time when we’ve lost hope

The only ones who have been there for me, in really hard times, are my rescued dogs. In a way of just putting their head in my lap, when so heartbroken, they have given speechless comfort, love and understanding. No human has ever helped me through hard times. ~ Lisa Hansen …
Positive Time Wisdom

There’s also a concept of it’s too late

Seize the opportunity when you have it! Tomorrow is not promised, so spend that time with those you love, make that overdue phone call or whatever because life can taken from us in an instant. ~ Alane Erickson  You can’t recapture the moment once it’s gone. It’s always too late to …
Family Gratitude Time

Be Thankful & remember how rich you are

When you express your gratitude and appreciation, you will receive much more by the Law of Attraction. But if you feel that others are living better than you, or if you live your life with a complaining attitude about your circumstances, health, money, or whatever, you will attract more negativity …