Category: Time

Heart Life Time

Time decides who you meet in your life

Be careful of what you say. It can change the whole course of things.   People have to be accepted For what they are without the need to change even a single aspect of their essence. ~ Emma Perna    If you want someone in your life, prove it. Act the …
Hurt Time

We are all a little broken in our life

Broken crayons need just that little bit more care and to be carefully held! just like people do.   It’s in our brokenness that we can grow. Just as the great eagle, when molting (loses his feathers in a weekend state and can’t fly, gains strength and courage in the …
Good Life Time

Someone who keeps on pointing out your flaws

Be around people who except that you wouldn’t be who you are without your past and your mistakes and still wants to be part of your life. ~ Dave Porter    If you meet someone who feels your pain and encourage that your a worthy person value her because she wants …
Heart Inspiration Time

We all hit a time when we’ve lost hope

The only ones who have been there for me, in really hard times, are my rescued dogs. In a way of just putting their head in my lap, when so heartbroken, they have given speechless comfort, love and understanding. No human has ever helped me through hard times. ~ Lisa Hansen …