Category: Thoughts
The present situation is not the final destination, we can make it pleasant or aggravating and frustrating. It’s all up to us. The final destination in this life is when you expire and you can choose your journey if you want to go to well travelled roads or the less …
We tend to do this cause we know those same people will always be there. ~ Tina Garrett The people that stood you by get a place in your heart for ever. In hard times you find your real friends. ~ Laetitia De Nys You got to love all those that stayed …
Even just one real good friend makes all the difference. Circle yourself with trusted persons not with the fake ones. If you go through life and can say you have one true friend, you are lucky. ~ Dollie Bratcher Sometimes it’s hard to actually define a real friend. There are tons …
Anger is a destructive emotion that feeds off the other emotions. It creates all negative to a persons well-being. ~ Lee Greenhalgh Go somewhere cool and comfortable place. Take a deep breath, deep in a pool, take a cold shower and get a nice refreshing massage after filing a leave. ~ …
Even the strongest, wisest kind of soul needs a Thank-you or hug from time to time. ~ Denise Morris Sometimes when you are such a strong person, it is hard to ask for support and guidance. You would be surprised to find out who would listen. ~ Betsy Miller Even if you …
God is merciful, He is always there for you. Just look around you at all the beautiful things that He has created. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. One day we will all meet our Maker. ~ Sue Rosinbum God is good all …