Category: Thoughts
If my self worth depended upon others, I’d have little to none. We have to know and accept ourselves. When we do that, what others think may be considered, but it’s never a deciding factor. ~ Fran Dunham As long as one look for someone else to validate who one is …
Beauty inside is much more important than outside beauty which fades later. Beauty has more to do with integrity , than it does with prettiness . ~ Paul Cezanne The most beautiful people got the most precious heart and soul and if we got people like those in your life, then …
Treat other the way you want to be treat & if you can’t say anything nice, keep your mouth shut. What goes around, comes around and if you roll in the mud with the pigs the only thing that happens is you get dirty too. People’s actions always will speak …
Sometimes you have to remember that no matter how awful you think your problem is someone somewhere is suffering even more. ~ Melinda Coslett Life’s all about changes, hopefully for the better. In any life changing situation, we move on from what we used to be to one we hope to …
Look for the heart of the person not the looks. Being ugly on the inside is an even bigger turn off then being pretty outside. Beauty is only skin deep, but a heart full of love is something that is seen from deep in our soul. ~ Inez Watson You can …
All of us have gotten stuck in this trap at some point of our lives & maybe still are. We are precious and valuable. ~ Debbie Thomforde When you start loving yourself, everything changes. Just notice when you start to get negative, STOP. ~ Gerene Schendel As a coach, I work with …