Category: Thoughts

Thoughts Wisdom

What money can’t buy?

Health is the most important that money can’t buy.  Money buys what you need but not happiness and certainly not love. ~ Patricia Webster Real treasures not in this world, where everything is temporary. Seek the real treasure which is eternal. If you have love in your life take care of …
Let go People Thoughts

Some people who always seem angry

Once upon a time, I tried to not walk away because I tried to be sympathetic, but when a person is continuously bitter, an emotional roller coaster, and abusive, it can and will hurt you if you allow them to do that to you. I say, be there for them, …
Mind Thoughts Wisdom

Someone cross your mind every day

Sad thing is most of the time the person crossing your mind has forgotten completely, crazy how the world turns. ~ Rodney Greenfield  We have to move on. If they don’t give us a sing it means they are not worth thinking about them. I keep on trying to convince myself …
Belief Faith Thoughts Wisdom

Never lose Hope

Desire 20 %, Add knowledge 60%, add action 20% success, 100 % confirmed. Sometimes you have to go and make it happen. Just do it. Tomorrow will bring a lesson to be learned.  Always think positive, smile often, and don’t think negatively. You have your life and limbs. Think of those …