Category: Thoughts
Health is the most important that money can’t buy. Money buys what you need but not happiness and certainly not love. ~ Patricia Webster Real treasures not in this world, where everything is temporary. Seek the real treasure which is eternal. If you have love in your life take care of …
Once upon a time, I tried to not walk away because I tried to be sympathetic, but when a person is continuously bitter, an emotional roller coaster, and abusive, it can and will hurt you if you allow them to do that to you. I say, be there for them, …
Sad thing is most of the time the person crossing your mind has forgotten completely, crazy how the world turns. ~ Rodney Greenfield We have to move on. If they don’t give us a sing it means they are not worth thinking about them. I keep on trying to convince myself …
Let us not do unto others what we don’t want others do unto us. What people say or think about you is none of your business. Treat them with smiles and warmness – it drives the crazier than they are already. What comes around goes around. Be careful what you do …
We all are kids at heart where disney is concern. Everyone has a child inside. I’m still a kid inside and I will always be myself and no one can change me. They just have to accept me for who I am. ~ Kyle Davis
Desire 20 %, Add knowledge 60%, add action 20% success, 100 % confirmed. Sometimes you have to go and make it happen. Just do it. Tomorrow will bring a lesson to be learned. Always think positive, smile often, and don’t think negatively. You have your life and limbs. Think of those …