Category: Thoughts

Care People Thoughts

Be careful who you share your weakness with

Also a good way to find out who your true friends are. When someone trusts you enough to share their weakness, don’t ever use that information to betray them. It is the most hurtful thing. ~ Jewel Aukerman  One day I had an annual review at work and one of the …
Thoughts Wisdom

A person’s actions will tell you everything

Your reaction will tell you everything you need to know about yourself. So be proud of who you are, forgiving of those who wrong you, and loving of all. ~ Lisa Kent  So often I forget this and hang on to words that were spoken, but I must remember, those words …
Thoughts Wisdom

What money can’t buy?

Health is the most important that money can’t buy.  Money buys what you need but not happiness and certainly not love. ~ Patricia Webster Real treasures not in this world, where everything is temporary. Seek the real treasure which is eternal. If you have love in your life take care of …