Category: Thoughts
Don’t make the same mistake over & over again. Get outside the box you have built around yourself & live life. Don’t ever think about changing people. I wouldn’t even want to try, just let them go and the drama will go along with them. It is so easy to get …
Also a good way to find out who your true friends are. When someone trusts you enough to share their weakness, don’t ever use that information to betray them. It is the most hurtful thing. ~ Jewel Aukerman One day I had an annual review at work and one of the …
The existence of chemistry does not mean one must surrender. Use your head and logic. If the partner is not healthy move on, despite the “great” chemistry. If they are a healthy match and the chemistry exists. Green light! ~ Natalie Hughes
Your reaction will tell you everything you need to know about yourself. So be proud of who you are, forgiving of those who wrong you, and loving of all. ~ Lisa Kent So often I forget this and hang on to words that were spoken, but I must remember, those words …
We are not for ever, none of us, so let us be glad that we are one of a kind and be happy for who is pretty and young. We all have our destiny. ~ Maria Gatt Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive …
Health is the most important that money can’t buy. Money buys what you need but not happiness and certainly not love. ~ Patricia Webster Real treasures not in this world, where everything is temporary. Seek the real treasure which is eternal. If you have love in your life take care of …