Category: Thoughts
People talk too much. No action to follow through. Actions speak louder than words. Words are just empty promises and by one’s actions, true character is shown. We should keep our promise if we really appreciate our relationships. Do what you say, and say what you do. For some people they …
We should learn to let go because if you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, it’s yours forever but if it doesn’t then, it was never meant to be. Set it free. There will be time, time for you and time for me, and time …
Our mind is a devil which is in constant interaction with all surroundings. We literally have thousands of thoughts filling up our mind with some useful thoughts but most of it with garbage. What to keep and what to keep out is a constant exercise we undertake everyday. When we …
We need to love ourselves, people come and stay and people go don’t stress so much love yourself and don’t allow others to control and use you. ~ Kim Howard It’s all in how they treat you. If the behavior is lousy. Their thoughts about you are lousy too. It’s time …
Nobody in this World is immune from storms in life . How you handle it demonstrates your attitude and character. Your ultimate test is how you help somebody in whatever way you can without revealing what you are going through in life.
Is not only ok, is normal. No body, NO BODY is ok all the time!