Category: Thoughts
In the end you realize some things were meant to be. ~ Mick Junior They can come back together if you try. Anything worth having is worth fighting for. You will know in time why it happened and that it was meant to be that way and look back and say, …
Always the actions tell the truth. Never go by what you hear, but always what you feel. A touch, a look, a frown, a smile is more than a thousand words. Treating someone lovingly is the best way to say ‘I love you’. ~ Judith Epelle Words are nice when they …
The fact is we always think those unwanted persons wasting our time and mood. ~ Aliviya Dhar Gives us more time to think about the ones we love. Instead enjoy moments to those who care for you. ~ Maricris Valenzuela They don’t even pop into my special little mind. ~ Laurie Carroll This would …
Words can lie, actions do not. Show me what you can do, don’t tell me what you can do. ~ Terry Peacock Don’t be deceive by all those empty talkers. ~ George Ofori Everyday, every action shows the real you specially if there is already a pattern of actions or series of …
Makes you realize your worth to your so called friends. ~ Danielle Belyea They will either kick you while you are down, or help you up. ~ Donna Austin The harder the time, the true test of all relationships. Do they make things harder or support you. ~ Angie Gowan You find out …
When you do all this, life gets better. It’s never to late to change. If you don’t like where you are, move. You are not a tree. ~ Lynne Carpenter If you think the way you are going is wrong, change direction. The path is the way your life is. People might …