Category: Strength

Heart Strength

Showing your emotions is a sign of strength

It’s a shame that most people find it to be a sign of weakness. I’ve always thought the opposite. If you don’t express yourself when you need to, anger can come in the next step. Better out while it is new in thoughts. ~ Sandy Milligan  I would rather be emotional …
Forgiveness Love Strength

The Best form of Love

Forgetting is tough, but with forgiveness, it makes you stronger to be able to move past the forgetting. ~ Bruce Higdon  Forgiveness is the virtue of kind. It takes a big heart to forgive. It is impossible in life to not have forgiveness and say you have love because anywhere where …

When Life puts you in tough situations

I spent a lot of time asking why me but no more because I am the lion and courageous. ~ Carla Simmons  In every tough situation that I encountered I always say, “Lord help me to understand and give me strength to face the trials that I encountered.” ~ Joy Siboa  Tough …
Good Strength

Sometimes being with no one is better

Learn to live alone and love it. Those also fly in the right direction. Such a empty feeling being with someone and still feeling all alone. ~ Annette Lange Until you find one who inspires you to soar even higher. The wind beneath your wings. ~ Juanita Alvarez  I always fly solo, …
Faith Friendship Heart Love Smile Strength

When your Heart is broken

Always forgive. It is cleansing to your heart.  To make someone smile when your own heart is broken because that person’s happiness is more important than my own. It’s all about love! You forgive, as you are a “lover of Life”. To go through life a “bitter” person, is a waste …