Category: Strength
Your soul has a goal of lessons to learn and growth to accomplish, and the Universe gives you what your soul needs to fulfill those goals. If you get through what you’re going through right now, it will get you to where you need to be! It’s saying …
Don’t let others underestimate you. The devil is everywhere. Haters can’t handle the good as good & bad always battle it out & God protects us from all evil.
All sides need to fight for love in order for it to move forward. Love is about sparing your everything to save someone’s life. It is about lending the hand of help to that person who lives in darkest valleys, so I could drag him up to see the light …
Fall seven times. Stand up eight. I have struggled but God is always there to push me right on He want let me quit, He takes my hand and reminds me of all the things I need to fight for and all of my loved ones. ~ Priscilla Mcguire Sometimes your …
I don’t think someone’s darkness meant that he/she was a mean person to you and you had to forgive. I think it means that when you meet someone, everything’s easy because you know nothing, but the more you know them, the less perfect they appear, but you forgive them their doubts, …
Treat others the way you want to be treated or deal with what you get! It usually takes fewer words to compliment someone than to tear them down and the results are better! Teachers are in a wonderful place to encourage kids who have no big successes to see that …