Category: Soul
You & you alone can make life changes.
Some people don’t go with their gut instincts because they are afraid of hurting someone’s feelings or being rude. ~ Cathy Smith
Anger is a human emotion telling us something is out of alignment with our values. Whilst we can’t control our emotions, we can learn to control our reactions to our emotions. Raise your awareness to why you are angry and think of good ways you can react. That way you’re …
Inner beauty can make the ugliest person beautiful. It matters what’s in the heart. The one who has the beautiful face it is pure humbug to be chosen just for the face and true character keeps hidden and that should be the bonus for the person who perseveres. It takes …
It can be done if you just stop and think before you speak or act. When you forgive someone you do it for you, not the other person. It frees “you”. Forgiveness is the hardest thing to do but it sets you free from all that hate and remember in …
You don’t need to listen to everyone around you because your the one feeling emotions inside. Women’s intuition, inner voice, subconscious, little voice, all one in the same. Heed what you feel for a happier life. ~ Diana Lopez God is in your heart listen to him there.