Category: Smile

Good Mind Peace Smile

Two Best Cures for anything

One day without laugh is poor, one night without good sleep is the loss. If you get a good nights sleep you will get up refreshed and ready to face the rest of your problems you couldn’t solve yesterday because of fatigue or whatever the word is for it. ~ Daniel …
Care Life Smile

Surrounding Yourself with Joyful People

The Joy of Surrounding Yourself with Happiness Imagine waking up every morning feeling grateful and happy, surrounded by people who lift your spirits and make you laugh. Imagine having a support system that is always there to lend a helping hand, offering words of encouragement and genuine care. This is …
Happiness People Relationship Smile

When someone is rude to you

When people are rude, they are usually miserable with themselves. They usually recognize their rudeness in the face of your kindness. ~ Elaine Wilhelm Have inner peace and happiness within yourself. When you found that nothing else matters around you. Everything will fall in right places & you don’t have to …
Faith Friendship Heart Love Smile Strength

When your Heart is broken

Always forgive. It is cleansing to your heart.  To make someone smile when your own heart is broken because that person’s happiness is more important than my own. It’s all about love! You forgive, as you are a “lover of Life”. To go through life a “bitter” person, is a waste …