Category: Respect
I been hurt and people have disrespected me and hurt my feelings, but we learn from it. Some people manipulate others and think life is cool but they are the ones why I have a full belief in karma. ~ Vinita Kumari A person can only take so much. Sometimes the …
Self respect is the key. Never let that go. ~ Derek Perritt When he gives you no choice but to walk, when someone doesn’t want you or love you that’s the only thing you can do and you get left with a broken heart. ~ Kimberly Belanger Broken …
All my life (now 50) I searched for approval from everyone. I actually wasted time. Love yourself , walk tall and take it all easy. ~ Helen Bolon Some people just think tomorrow will always be available to them. Thus, thinking the person they push away, and hurt in the …
I’ve had to learn to take care of me first. Sometimes there just is not anything else you can do. Like I said I let go and let God. Having complete faith in his will will be done. ~ Marla Bearden Never feel bad for saying no. God will bless …
The “He/She/They don’t know how much you mean/worth to them until you’re gone and when you are not in each other’s lives, THAT IS WHEN YOU KNOW how much of a difference it is. Without something you should’ve appreciated, that is when you think about it the most and more …