Category: Relationship
Sometimes you realize you have tried so long and nothing ever changes, so you quit caring. ~ Fawn Elrod Everyday is a struggle to live. Try harder! Care to those who cares and give up to those who do little things to you. ~ Jessyline Maquito Just be true and genuine. If …
If you find the right person at the wrong time and are just trying to forget them because you got your confidence back then they weren’t the right person. It’s during the hard times that the right person will let themselves be seen or heard. If he cares he will …
(((((((Hugs beings sent your way)))))))) Tight hug from someone special always rejuvenates the entire system. People need to take responsibility for themselves and work on themselves to heal and put any broken pieces back together to be more whole. We can’t sit around waiting for someone to do that. ~ Susannah …
I am woman, man does not make me so or complete me. It’s the other way around, a good woman completes man and crowns him king of her kingdom. ~ Gudrun Zschiesche You should feel complete for yourself not for a relationship because relationships don’t always last. ~ Denishia Vaughan Share your …
Why do liars never understand this? – Because liars lie to everyone, including themselves, liars also believes that everybody else lies. When you lie & it comes to light, the heart and mind is cut like a knife. ~ Jalena Drouhard Trust is like a house of cards, delicately built and precisely placed …
When people are rude, they are usually miserable with themselves. They usually recognize their rudeness in the face of your kindness. ~ Elaine Wilhelm Have inner peace and happiness within yourself. When you found that nothing else matters around you. Everything will fall in right places & you don’t have to …