Category: Relationship

Relationship Yourself

I’ve been single for awhile

I must say in the land of Singletown I am DA BOMB! Loving and living life is amazing, especially when you know the difference between being alone and happy, or settling and living with a douche-bag who makes you feel lonely. I will pick alone every time! ~ Melanie Rahn  It matters …
Friendship Relationship Trust

All relationships are built on trust

Don’t trust words, trust actions!   The important thing is to remain truthful to yourself and move forward.   Trust takes years to build, seconds to break and forever to repair.   We’ve been married for 36 years, have had our ups and downs but never a guilty secret has …
Love Relationship Trust

A Successful Marriage

I’ve been falling in love over and over again since 1970 and to the same man – the love of my life. ~ Sandra Arbeni  I am married for several years, and it does take work on both parts, then you fall in love all over again. ~ Brenda Fox  Everyday when …