Category: Relationship
Every relationship after a certain period of time reaches a stage where We start to take one another for granted. This is especially true if you are together all the time. You tend to neglect small small things that nurture and keep the relationship healthy. One never realizes somebody’s worth …
Life is all about relationships . You can’t force any relationship on anybody. If you are destined to stay in a relationship , you will stay committed. If anybody wants to leave , you can’t force him to stay. Any empty space made by somebody leaving you shall be filled …
When you love someone with all your heart , it is unconditional love. Everyone is different and unique and you need to accept your loved one as he or she is with all the imperfections . You are not perfect and you don’t have any right to impose your wishes …
The problem happens when one person is ready, willing & able to do the work to make things work and the other is not (for whatever reason). It takes a sincere and constant effort from both to make a relationship work. ~ Peggy Hatfield Me and my husband have been through …
It’s about having respect for each other. Unfortunately some people have no respect for themselves or their partners. I’m guessing it’s those, that will end up very lonely. Either that or they meet some mug who will put up with it. Too many Peter pans out there! I’m looking for …
You always have choices. You may not like the choices, but there’s always choices! You have the power to change your life. Yes, I agree it’s not smart to quit your job without another one lined up or a way to live till then. However you can start looking for …