Category: Relationship
We move around in our environment building up relationships at various levels of development. The level of relationship and trust would vary from being neutral to very trustworthy at one end and very suspicious and unresponsive. It is likely that you occupy both the ends of the spectrum. Thus everybody …
House is a structure made up of all non living things like stone , cement , wood and other interior materials etc. When your loved ones like your spouse , parents , children fill it up with unconditional love , compassion , loving care , tenderness etc it becomes a …
Human relationship is a complex interplay of emotions. It is very difficult to predict when would a particular relationship turn sour. It could be due to mistakes committed by both but many times you are not the offender. In spite of your best efforts you are unable to heal the …
Every relationship after a certain period of time reaches a stage where We start to take one another for granted. This is especially true if you are together all the time. You tend to neglect small small things that nurture and keep the relationship healthy. One never realizes somebody’s worth …
Life is all about relationships . You can’t force any relationship on anybody. If you are destined to stay in a relationship , you will stay committed. If anybody wants to leave , you can’t force him to stay. Any empty space made by somebody leaving you shall be filled …
When you love someone with all your heart , it is unconditional love. Everyone is different and unique and you need to accept your loved one as he or she is with all the imperfections . You are not perfect and you don’t have any right to impose your wishes …