Category: Relationship
It depends on the two. If they are deeply in love and committed, they will protect their partnership with all their might. If one of the two is not truly in love, then this person is not committed (even if they say so) and will allow themselves to be attracted …
Those are the stars that shine brighter our loved ones that are gone. They are always looking down on us you have to believe. I do! ~ Lena Simon Gazing at the stars makes me feel my daughter is smiling at me with her twinkling eyes from heaven, shinning among the stars. ~ Joan Marquez …
I entered before finish, relationship are a struggle but the two going through don’t destroy each other or hurt each other to be Strong together. ~ Peggy Young
Love is an emotion you feel in your heart for someone, but yet you see the younger generations acting like love is sex, well it is not and the sooner society wakes up to that fact the sooner their relationships will last 50 + years instead of 5 months. Don’t …
What gain it is to love those who love us? We are just returning the love they are giving us it is greater gain to love those who are not worth it. ~ Rolan Dalogdog It doesn’t matter if you like me or if you love me I love everyone …
Love is truly a wonderful feeling in which your partner’s interest is above everything else. You can never think of hurting your partner even in your dreams. If somebody loves you , the final test of your partner’s commitment is that he or she shall never do anything which will …