Category: Relationship

Care Heart Relationship Strength Time

No matter how strong you are

True a hug to all from this end of the world to your world all over. ~ Marjorie Fitzmaurice  There is not replacement or greater feeling, then human touch/hug. ~ Dean Merritt  No matter what a person’s age everybody has a breaking point and sometimes all they need is a hug is …
Relationship Yourself

Never let loneliness drive you back

Better to be alone than with someone and be alone. Let go of the wrong person to make room for the right one. The people in your past just may be there (in your past) for a reason. Could be that’s where they belong. ~ Linda Radtke  Shut that door, keep …
Care Mistakes Relationship Time

Why most relationships fail?

Too much time talking about each other and not to each other. Most relationships also fail because one person is spending too much time enjoying the company of someone else. ~ Laura Thibault  In order for any relationship to work we have got to love the strengths and accept the weaknesses. …