Category: Relationship
People are connected by the energy they bring to each other. Positive energy always drives a positive effect. Miles may be many but heart connections doesn’t count miles and never needs how far they are. Heart feels they are with you all the time. A phone will all it take …
If it doesn’t enhance you and make you happy and allow you to be you, it’s not a relationship is a dictation ship. ~ Charese Carter You deserve to be happy. If one of you isn’t happy, surely the other isn’t as well. Either you both strive to make it work, …
Every single day, but it is a good battle with two winners. The battle is always worth it because there will always be one to fight for. When we honor the vows we made to our spouse, family and Creator, we learn and grow together. Thereby, fortifying our own integrity as …
If they are with you because of money, you don’t want them. They should want to be with you because of your beautiful spirit! I thought it was a dream but things happen when you least expect them! I was going through a messy divorce, took myself to gran canaria …
Gifts mean nothing, just spending time together is the best gift ever. You can spend time with someone but if they don’t pay attention to you then your both wasting time. How do you learn to love or like someone if you don’t pay attention. Know what makes them smile, …
If we go with the flow of life, and trust that life (God) has the best in store for us. Change can be beautiful and exciting, but if we believe that we know what’s best for us, not God. Life can be brutal and exhausting because we are fearful to …