Category: Problems
You are either part of the solution or part of the problem! There may be those around you, you should not associate with, for your own peace of mind. Be careful who you choose to be your friends and don’t be afraid to eliminate them from your inner circle. ~ Patricia …
If keeping them in your life is toxic to your health, then it is better to just let it go. Even the love of my heart today I’ve decided to let go. Why keep hoping when i’m the only one hoping. It has become a thorn in my heart and …
My husband and I have been married 39 years and he still holds my hand, likes to kiss and says he loves me every day. ~ Jo Athey Adams Someone that you can argue with get mad at and still love them like you have never or ever will love again. …
Out of sight, out of mind. Sometimes that’s just the way it has to be. Do not problem the problem because the problem will problem you. One of the hardest decisions was to walk away from the problem and I knew it was the right thing. I knew I had …
Expect nothing and you will never be disappointed but you may be surprised. Take life as it is and so with people. Only then you will live much more happier & with relief. Humans were born imperfect and that is why they will always disappoint you at some point. ~ Farah …
Nobody is your friend nobody. Your only friend is you. People have hidden agendas. When you open up to someone you think he is a friend, is that moment in time they are looking for, that moment of weakness to take what they want from you that isn’t meant for …