Category: Positive
Someone who frees their time to speak with you… You can always make another dollar, but not more time, it is a measure of a person’s kindness, caring, and consideration, A few minutes of a person’s time can mean so much to another person, it can be the highlight of …
Surround yourself with negative people and the bank will soon be empty. Start making deposits in your own account. Other people will just have to figure it out. I’m still positive with my decision. Freeing self of all negativity in life. ~ Eding Dampor You do not let …
Most people won’t be able to understand you anyway. No is a complete sentence! Explaining puts you in a defensive position, weakening it. It feels so good, when you actually muster up the courage. You might lose a friend but, if that’s the case, you don’t need friends like that. …
Negative people = Negative feeling. Just ignore! Don’t worry about people who talk about you behind your back. That’s where they deserve to be. Keep away from negative people because they are always there, so learn how to avoid them. ~ Maria Mutheu
Positive outlook journey is difficult but gives long lasting peace. I’m staying away from people that dislike there own lives that have to be a prick to others. ~ Kay Brooke
Allow yourself to love yourself without judgement or disbelief about the power within you then you can be totally free. When I stopped living my life to other peoples’ expectations of me was the best day of my life. ~ Ken O Shaughnessy Always stay positive no matter the situations. It …