Category: Positive
Some people just didn’t care about their raising, they went along with the wrong people. ~ Kelly Studer Sometimes it isn’t how someone is raised. Each person is born fundamentally different. I am sure people who deal with my eighteen year old daughter question how she is being raised. I try …
My positive thoughts of the day. I have my children who are in great health and define me. I have a partner I love. I am employed and work with people who stimulate me to continuously improve. I have a spirituality that gives me faith and strength. God is good …
Had more loneliness (at times) while married than I have ever had while alone. Never stay with a cheater. ~ Amanda Pierce Better off alone than feeling ignored and glared at on a daily basis. That’s when loneliness hurts the worst. ~ Joni Shugart There are plenty of people who don’t even …
Expect nothing and you will never be disappointed but you may be surprised. Take life as it is and so with people. Only then you will live much more happier & with relief. Humans were born imperfect and that is why they will always disappoint you at some point. ~ Farah …
Don’t argue with a fool. He will drag you to his level and will beat you with his foolishness. No point trying to correct a fool as he will refuse to accept that he even needs correction. ~ Karin Sewell You cannot train your spirit if you are ruled by your …
Having God on your side will keep you strong no matter what struggles in life you are going through.