Category: Positive

Good Positive Thoughts

No matter how hard things were

My positive thoughts of the day. I have my children who are in great health and define me. I have a partner I love. I am employed and work with people who stimulate me to continuously improve. I have a spirituality that gives me faith and strength. God is good …
Positive Thoughts Wisdom

If you are falling asleep alone

Had more loneliness (at times) while married than I have ever had while alone. Never stay with a cheater. ~ Amanda Pierce  Better off alone than feeling ignored and glared at on a daily basis. That’s when loneliness hurts the worst. ~ Joni Shugart  There are plenty of people who don’t even …
People Positive Thoughts Wisdom

When people are rude to you

Their rudeness is their ignorance. Let go and step away from their childish drama. Most people who say rude things do not think they are being rude. (Unless they are on a power trip and are deliberately establishing a hierarchy of who gets to disrespect whom.) Not responding is great, …