Category: People
A goal achieved is a satisfaction to the soul. It’s better invest to our own mind and soul and be contented and thankful, that is one of the path to happiness. If you place your happiness on others, you will always be let down, but, if you place it on …
Better to have loved & lost then to not have loved at all. Sometimes someone comes into your life and helps you find yourself. Losing those people may hurt more than finding yourself, but the pain will subside and you have become a better person. ~ Loree Devine
People just want you to hear what they want to say, when it comes time to talk about what you really wanted to say, they cut you right off. Most do not absorb a lot what you have to say to them. ~ Pamela Wallace It hurts to realize they really …
Don’t let dead weight hold you back, don’t let weeds block your sun and steal your nourishment and don’t let anyone decrease your value with their words. People who bring you down and make you feel bad, and make you feel bad about yourself and your life, are very unhealthy. …
I call it disconnect! Some folks family or not are just not worth the effort to keep connected. Keep connected to those who want you, need you and love you and forget the rest. It is what it is. ~ Elizabeth Coard It hurts a lot, but all one can do …
You got to keep the wrong ones out of your life so that you can enjoy yourself. Funny how that works. I got rid of a drama queen that mistreated me and everyone else. Once I dumped him, the following week I got a job that someone out of the …